I’ve Never Been So Devoted

Before joining Your Global Career, I was feeling utterly hopeless. I knew I had to make finding a job abroad work, but it felt like I was losing grip on my goal. I had just been turned down for yet another job in Europe, which caused me to have serious breakdown. Finding this program was serendipitous in every way.

I’ve been seriously looking for jobs abroad since the spring of 2017. I remember telling myself, “you got this, it will just take some time and effort, hang in there.” I wasn’t applying my time or resources in the right way. I was networking but had no plan. I was applying without building relationships.

I was not able to confidently answer why Europe. After dozens of rejections and several breakdowns later, I knew I needed to try something drastic because what I was doing was impairing my success. I needed an expert to guide and coach me.

I had confided in a family friend about my international aspirations. She suggested I reach out to Lynze because she had this program called “Your Global Career” and could probably help me out!

After joining YGC, I have never felt so devoted to a goal in my entire life. Living abroad is as much a part of me as my hazel eyes. 

I owe this to myself, my personal growth and my future happiness. Having someone to keep me going was the jolt of energy I desperately needed.

Today, I am celebrating my personal and professional achievement–accepting a full-time job and moving to Berlin, Germany!

After one month of living in the city I am still in shock–6 months of searching for a job and BAM! An offer to join a tech startup in the city of my dreams!

If there were an award show for expats, my acceptance speech would include a major shout out to Lynze Ballay. Not only was Lynze’s program designed to fit any type of career scenario, I was certainly appreciative that her support did not cease to exist after I had finished the 8-week course.

Whether it was responding to my questions in an email, or her willingness to jump on a call with me to ease my stress–Lynze supported me the whole way through, even managing to text me as I boarded my plane to Germany!

Lynze helped me change my life and I am forever grateful.

I entered the program desperate to resolve my desire to move abroad, I cherish the countless hours, emails and interviews that landed me where I am today. The seemingly endless amount of mental obstacles of doubts, frustration and disappointment has served me well during my first month as an expat.

Transitioning to life in a foreign country has plenty of unforeseen battles, but I cherish these moments because I fought so hard to get here. My life has forever changed in the best way possible, all thanks to the She Works Abroad program.


-Emily B.

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