Invest in your dream; I moved to London

Before the program, I had been job hunting for international roles for over a year. I was feeling discouraged. I did not have a network or coach to support my goal of getting employed abroad. 

First, I tried online applications and some cold outreach. Then, I came across an ad on Facebook from Your Global Career intro webinar.

A few weeks before seeing the ad, I had gotten through a few rounds of interviews for a job abroad but was denied due to lack of funding for an international candidate. 

I was ready to give up but when I watched the webinar, I knew I had to make the commitment to myself to reach my goal. 

When COVID hit, it was only more clear that it was now or never to go after my dream. 

Today, I have accepted a new role and am moving to their headquarters in London! I found and secured the role during the 8 weeks in the program. 

Having a coach and the accountability of the group was instrumental in making this happen. It has helped me keep a positive mindset and celebrate the victories throughout the process.

Lynze was always really supportive and there to answer questions and clear roadblocks that pop up along the way. I now have a toolset I can utilize not only for finding a career abroad but growing my network for continued success.

If you’re on the fence about working with Lynze, from the words of Nike, ‘Just Do It!’ 

You will not regret investing in yourself and your dream. But you will regret not giving your dream 100%.

Thank you for everything, Lynze!

Colleen O’Brien, currently living abroad in London 


She Works Abroad

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