How Many Applications Until You Get Hired?

Do you think the key to finding a job abroad is sending in online applications? Almost all my clients have tried that exact strategy to much frustration and aggravation. 

They applied to international positions online, tweaking their resume to fit each role, writing new cover letters, and grinding out application after application.

They researched new jobs constantly by scouring websites and reviewing posting after posting.

They set-up alerts so that they can be the first to apply, and then watched the job posting carefully to see how many other applicants there were.

See, they believed that if they just kept on applying then EVENTUALLY they would land an interview. I mean, that’s what they tell you, right? Just keep going?

But what really happened? They never heard anything back.

Or if they did, it was either an automated email or a question from HR asking if they had the right to work in that country. Which of course, they didn’t.

For each application they sent in they would think “this is the one; I am qualified for this job.” And they would get a glimmer of hope. 

But then, after a few weeks and no response back, they would realize, they weren’t going to get a call. 

And so the cycle would start over.

More applying.

More of not hearing anything.

More frustration and disappointment.

More wondering if this just isn’t going to happen for them. 

After months or sometimes YEARS, they would get to a point where they would realize, wait, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, right?Applying for jobs abroad online was not working, and it wasn’t going to work. 

What they needed was a different system altogether — which meant getting help.

One thing would lead to another, and we’d end up on a Breakthrough Call together and into Your Global Career. 


From there, they would stop applying for jobs abroad online and instead learn the fundamentals that work to unlocking great jobs abroad including:

Navigating the hidden global job marketplace

Asking for the international warm handshake

Developing an international professional profile

Selling their global value 

Within 4 weeks my clients were having 5+ conversations EACH WEEK with international hiring managers and professionals about high-paying opportunities abroad...all without every having to send in a job application.

If you’re done applying for jobs abroad online. If you know you’re strategy isn’t working. If you’re tired of hearing nothing back…then book a call with me. 

At this point you know what is NOT working, now let’s see if we can help you get into what will work. 

Start by joining one of my workshops where I dispel other myths – just like this one.

All the adventures, 


She Works Abroad

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