Hopeless and Pessimistic to Cloud 9

Lynze, I’m grateful for and have endless thanks for you being an angel who appeared in my life exactly when I needed you!

Before Your Global Career, I had just completed another coaching program that was focused on transitioning to working in the wellness industry.

I concluded the program feeling no further along than I had when I started; I had my direction and vision, but no clear and actionable steps, connections and ways to get there and make the changes happen.

I was in a terrible headspace, feeling stuck, hopeless, pessimistic and frustrated with my ambiguous future.

I searched on my own for jobs abroad in wellness for about 4 months. I was so stuck and in my own way and couldn’t figure out how to take action on what I knew I needed to do.

I finally accepted that I needed help and guidance. Trying to do it on my own wasn’t working, and I wanted to make my dream a reality!

I searched on my own for jobs abroad in wellness for about 4 months. I was so stuck and in my own way and couldn’t figure out how to take action on what I knew I needed to do.

I finally accepted that I needed help and guidance. Trying to do it on my own wasn’t working, and I wanted to make my dream a reality!

It was then that I found out about Your Global Career on Facebook…and I’m rarely on FB!

In all honesty, the Program was an investment, but I realized that going to a therapist to try to work through my underlying issues was going to be just as expensive, and could take me longer!

Even more so, Lynze was focused on the one thing – my international career yearnings – that a therapist may never have been able to help me figure out how to make the move.

In all, I established that I would rather try to pursue these dreams than remain complacent, and that I believe in coaching and at a minimum, I would learn more about myself.

Now, I am on Cloud 9! I’m in a really solid headspace, feeling confident, grounded, and strong in my ambitions and plans.

My dreams of switching to working in the wellness industry and moving to Europe have crystalized even further.

I’m celebrating so many things! An amazing international resume. New LinkedIn profile. A trip booked to London for a Summit.

Also, I made new friends through the Program, and that has been a godsend. Having someone who is going through the emotions, activities and journey alongside you has been an added bonus to Your Global Career.

I’m also celebrating that I feel the most like myself – the vibrant, confident, sure and best version of myself, ie Megsta, than I have a really really long time.

If you are on the fence about working with Lynze, JUST DO IT! Your future self will thank you 🙂 

~Megsta, currently living in Costa Rica 


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