Want to Increase Your Chances Abroad? Don’t do this.

Here is a story I hear on repeat… 

“Lynze, I’m applying for international and remote positions that I know I am OVERQUALIFIED to do! And still I hear NOTHING back. No call backs, no emails, nothing. 
It’s so frustrating because these are jobs lower in title and responsibility than what I do now.
I just want to work abroad!”
It is a MYTH that if you apply for jobs you’re overqualified for you are more likely to get them. 
In fact, I have found the EXACT opposite to be true…
Applying for virtual assistant jobs when you’re already a manager or individual contributor jobs when you’re clearly a leader DECREASES your chance of getting that position. 
Yet time and again, people tell me they are using this strategy because:

They haven’t worked abroad before and have no international experience to offer

They were not having any traction when applying to jobs they were qualified for 

They realize they might need to take a paycut to work abroad.

So let me ask you ...

Do you know your international worth?

Do you know know much should you be paid for in a job abroad?

Do you know what salary you can ask for in an international position?

If the answer is, no, or I don’t really know, then hear me out — you’re likely going to struggle finding work internationally. 

Because when it comes to working abroad, companies hire professionals that know what they are WORTH

Which is why when you UNDERVALUE yourself by applying for jobs you could do in your sleep, foreign employers don’t take you seriously.

So what would happen if you STOPPED applying for jobs beneath you and started explaining your international worth in a way that EXCITES employers ?
You might find what my clients find…that within 8 weeks they get:

10x more responses from hiring managers

Access to positions they didn’t even know existed 

The power to negotiate their salary

If you’re ready to go abroad AND propel your career forward, then I am ready to show you the way! 

It all starts by booking joining my for an upcoming workshop where we discuss what does and doesn’t work when it comes to taking your career abroad.  

All the adventures, 


She Works Abroad

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