This Method to Get Abroad Doesn’t Work Anymore

Did you know that right now it’s possible for you to live abroad without having to put in years waiting for a transfer with your company? 

I’ll explain how in just a second.

But first, let’s talk about why so many people think this is impossible.

The truth is that you’ve been LET DOWN.

Let down by so many old-school hiring managers who only know one way to get abroad — sticking with a company for years and being sent on an assignment internationally. 

And on the surface, I get it. It sounds good!

You join a company that has offices all over the world. You tell your manager from the very beginning that you’re interested in traveling and working abroad. She says that’s great because they are a global company, and in a few years time, you can investigate working in another office.

But let me just come right out and say it: waiting for your company to transfer you abroad is RISKY

Here’s why:

Your company could change drastically. It could get bought, sold, close offices, lay-off half the staff, etc. And all that time you just invested with the hopes of making it abroad would be a complete waste! 

Your manager - who hired you and who knows your dream - could quit or be let go. And your next boss may not be so into your idea of working abroad.  

But the biggest reason of all is that you’ll miss your window of opportunity to work abroad by delaying it by months and even years. Life happens, and if you’re ready to go abroad now it’s because it’s the window in which it can happen. And missing it would be an absolute tragedy because living abroad is LIFE changing on so many levels.

So if that’s the old and RISKY way…what’s the new and SMART way?

Simple: secure a job abroad now.

Here’s why this is BRILLIANT:

You can secure a job abroad directly and not have to wait to be transferred. Basically, you can start living your dream now without delay!

You will be working for the person you are going to be working for! No giving the keys to a manager and hoping they’ll send you abroad to a new manager you don’t even know. 

You will build a truly global career and propel yourself professionally providing a lot more opportunities in the future. 

And the best part is that you get to decide where to live abroad and for how long…without having to put in years trying to provide yourself to a company who then isn’t going to send you abroad.Do you see how incredibly important this is? 

Here’s the thing, though: 99% of career experts don’t know how to navigate international careers. They will tell you the old-school method. Not me. 

If you’re ready to go abroad, then I’d love to talk to you about how to make it happen. Think about this, you could be living in a new country by the new year!

Let’s talk this week.

All the adventures,


She Works Abroad

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