I Needed the Accountability

I had been looking for jobs on my own for a few months, but I knew I needed help to gain the necessary confidence to submit strong international job applications.

It was actually a business contact of mine who referred me to Lynze.

Before starting the program, I was uncertain that I’d ever be able to reach my goal of working overseas, and I felt overwhelmed about the task of applying to jobs in another country. But, when Lynze and I spoke she gave me the hope that it was possible.

And I knew that I wouldn’t ever be truly fulfilled in my life until I achieved my goal of working overseas,so there was no choice – I had to join Your Global Career.

The program has helped me gain a more positive attitude towards the entire process, as well as giving me the hope that I can achieve my goal.

I was having a lot of doubts at the beginning, but after hearing some success stories, I am confident it can be done.

The accountability factor was a big help, as well, keeping me motivated to take small steps every week in order to progress.

I’ve made progress in reaching my goal, especially in regards to making the right contacts who are helping me expand my network both on a domestic and international basis.

I’ve also been able to improve my CV and learn more about how to approach companies with my requirements for a work visa.

The program is a good investment in your future, and definitely worth it!


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I promise this 40 minutes will give you huge clarity on your best options when it comes to living and working abroad. If you want to be empowered on your journey, this training is step one!

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