An Incredible Program

Before this program, I was OVERWHELMED. The job hunt on its own domestically is challenging enough, so where do you even begin with a successful international job search? 

I knew that if I was serious about pursuing this path, I needed help to organize and execute a defined plan to get there, but also the accountability to implement it. 

I’ve told anyone and everyone since I returned from teaching English China six years ago that my only long-term plan was getting back abroad again. I knew that finding a more professional position outside of teaching English in Asia would be a challenge, but I didn’t realize how overwhelming it would be. 

I wasn’t looking for jobs on my own because I was in grad school, but I did try to research on my own and create a plan for myself. It was complicated and a headache. That was when I knew I needed help. 

I turned to several resources. I ordered books. I read articles. I talked to other potential coaches (who never got back to me!). I stumbled across Your Global Career on one of those mad hunt searches for a solution two years ago. 

I’m a very cautious person, and I don’t like to commit to things that I know I won’t get value from. So before I joined the Your Global Career program I RESEARCHED it as thoroughly as I could. And everyone I talked to or listened to had great things to say about Lynze. 

I explored other avenues too, but Lynze’s provided structure and support that others did not. It took about two years for me to finally jump on board, due to finishing up grad school and saving up for the program, but I DID IT. And let me tell you, finally jumping into this program after working towards it for two years was the most exhilarating and empowering feeling.

I have an international resume completed, a finalized LinkedIn profile, and a strategy for networking and applying for jobs. 

I’ve also met a lot of like-minded and supportive communities of people who get the urge to abscond abroad. I’m also really excited for the continued support I’ll find after I finish the program! 

I think the most important thing I learned about myself during this journey is the areas I’ve been allowing myself to be tripped up in. 

If you’re thinking about getting help for your abroad search and are feeling on the fence, I’ve 100% been there and understood. I have two pieces of advice.

  1. First, do your research. Listen to the Your Global Career video interviews of other program alumni and follow Lynze’s posts on Linked In (she gives great advice!). I guarantee you’ll find that Lynze knows the stuff she’s talking about. 
  2. And secondly, if you know that going abroad is THE plan, but it’s not feasible NOW (i.e. finishing school, family emergency), put a deposit down and lock in your commitment! Lynze will work with you to make it happen. It took me awhile to be in the perfect spot for the Program, but I’m so incredibly happy I did it! 

This has been an incredible program! I’m super excited about where I go from here! 

Laura Bisbee


She Works Abroad

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