I Was Wasting Time, Now I Am in Kenya

Before I found Lynze I was feeling half alive, unfocused and like I needed a breakthrough but didn’t really know what kind or where to find it. I had been searching for jobs abroad on and off for 4 years. 

I was wasting a lot of time with research and going from really excited to hopeless. I was spinning out over potential situations- focused on trying to find whatever solution I could to move abroad while also transitioning in my career. 

I didn’t have a clear understanding if this was really possible to make happen in a foreign market while maintaining a decent lifestyle. I had no clear strategy or focus of what I was looking for. I was too lost in the options while not really knowing how I actually fit into any of them. I also wasn’t just focusing on what’s next, right now. 

And I think my biggest problem was that when I was feeling defeated- I would just start to tell myself that I am crazy and that this is all just a pipe dream or me running away from something. So I would direct my energy to the plan, B, C, D and then just feel worse.

I randomly discovered Lynze on Facebook, and I watched the webinar. I was sold. 

I honestly had never really considered this type of help before that.

What was really impactful for me was learning that really have this calling and that it's not some irrational impulse.

The less time you spend stuck on that fence, the sooner you will be on a real road to creating the global future you know that you want.

8 weeks later and I am in a much better, more hopeful and confident place. 

I am celebrating a new mindset in which I feel inspired and alive again. I’m celebrating all the new knowledge I have gained along with the clarity that has come from digging deep through the course content and exercises. 

I’m celebrating having a professional presence and path that I can feel proud and excited about, as well as a clear idea of where I am headed and how to get there. I’m celebrating networking with old and new connections and getting myself back out into the world that I want to be in. 

I’m celebrating getting to know and continuing to stay in touch with Lynze and the Thursday ladies. And I’m celebrating taking charge of my life and making the choice to join the program which has enabled me to reconnect to myself on a much more authentic level and to recommit to my big international dreams.

What was really impactful for me was learning that really have this calling and that it’s not some irrational impulse. 

Before discovering the program- I felt very isolated from my peers having these desires to keep moving and living amongst new people while everyone was buying houses and having kids. I felt a bit crazy to be honest but now realize it is something to own and be proud of. 

To have discovered a community of ladies and career professionals who have the same and to be told that I absolutely shouldn’t run away from this calling has been really huge for me. 

I’ve learned that I’m not as out of touch with what I want as I thought I was- I just needed to strategically organize my thoughts and background and skills to see where it is I’m trying to go next. 

I’ve also learned that I have a lot to offer and that I am not lacking so much that I’m not ready to take on this transition. 

Lynze’s, one on one guidance has been the cherry on top.

This program is for people who want to live abroad. I would highly encourage you to set aside their hesitations and go for it. The less time you spend stuck on that fence, the sooner you will be on a real road to creating the global future you know that you want. 

If you commit your time and energy to YGC, Lynze’s program and guidance will actually get you where you need to be to be a valuable and competitive candidate on the international job market. 

I can understand being unsure at first as it feels like a big investment when you’re not exactly sure how it will all pan out, but having gone through it, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second. 

What you will gain in these 8 weeks you could waste a lifetime trying to figure out on your own.

~ Chloe Friedland 

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I promise this 40 minutes will give you huge clarity on your best options when it comes to living and working abroad. If you want to be empowered on your journey, this training is step one!

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