Should you become an entrepreneur?

What they want is the ability to explore the world and make money while living in an amazing international location. 

So they ask me, “How can I start a business where I can travel the globe?”

My response typically takes them off guard:

Are you ready to chew glass? Because as Elon Musk says, being an entrepreneur is as romantic as chewing glass!

When people quit their job with the goal to start their own business so that they can see the world, often they end up in a LESS FLEXIBLE situation then when they were in their full-time job. 

No steady income. 

No health insurance. 

Less money to travel.

Less time to explore.

And a lot of stress trying to make their fragile business support their dream lifestyle.

The Economist warns that most first-time founders have the job security of zero-hour contract workers, the money worries of chronic gamblers, and the social life of hermits.


The reality is, if what you want is more flexibility so that you can be abroad, entrepreneurship for many not the right answer. 

So what is? 

Moving Abroad With Your Current Company

For those working within companies that have international branches, subsidiaries, or partners abroad (or plans to expand), transferring in house is a great option. But before you run to speak with your boss, know that the biggest mistake I see routinely made is when an employee asks for a transfer without attaching the request to a real business problem or opportunity. 

Making Your Position Flexible

Very, very few companies have a work 100% of the time from anywhere in the world policy. However, many roles can include a tremendous amount of location flexibility when positioned correctly. Just take it from Megan who went from NYC to Chile

Finding a Job Abroad 

If you want to live abroad full-time and know the other two options are not a possibility, than it’s about finding a job on the ground in a foreign country. The key to finding great work internationally is understanding where to look based on market need and how to position yourself based on market gaps. 


Live abroad, travel more, and have work flexibility

Keep a full-time salary 

Maintain employee benefits 

Continue to pursue your professional path 

Ask yourself, if you could get abroad and keep your full-time salary, would you? Is what is holding you back just not knowing the steps?If yes, then make sure and check out our masterclass.

P.S. Still want to become an entrepreneur and create your own business? I am 100% supportive of that! My recommendation is just make sure your business is idea led not lifestyle led. Because at the end of the day it’s your business idea that will keep you motivated. Good luck!

All the Adventures, 


She Works Abroad

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